Today was another pretty good but eventful day. I spent most of my day inside a network closet at work installing a new chassis for our disaster recovery site. Everything went smoothly and I was able to get off work a little early and swing by the lab and drop a couple of rolls of film off. One of the rolls is entirely shot at the car show in mounds on Kodak 400 UltraMAX and the other, I have no clue it’s from my little kodak point and shoot and I’ve taken that with me quite a few places over the past few weeks. It’s fuji 400 so it will probably look exactly the same 😛 After I dropped the film off, I decided to take a walk around a nearby neighborhood. I had seen a classic model T car drive down one of the streets and was hoping that I might stumble upon it. No such luck, I did however stumble across this little carcass of a shrub there was just something with how the light was hitting it that made me want to stop and snap a couple of shots.