Thirty-Three Days! Damn, I’m still doing this… I must be bored or something.
I needed to make up a few thousand steps for my wellness challenge today, so I decided to zig zag around downtown as per my usual workday routine seems to be. As usual it was hot as hell and the sun was nice and bright. There may have been a lone cloud in the sky, but I sure didn’t notice. I will be so happy when whatever is going on with the weather is over and I can get some clouds in the sky again. I took a few abstract shots as well as a few “street” shots of people. I still feel like shooting on a point and shoot or smaller camera would be better for those kinds of photos.
I also purchased some film cameras at auction last night for 20.00 USD, the posting said they all work. One of them is a Pentax point and shoot, the original Pentax Zoom 70 from I think 1981. The thing looks like a brick. The lot also includes a Sony Mavica camera. If you are not aware the Mavica was an early digital camera that used 2.44 floppy disks as a storage medium. I’m very curious to see how horrible that thing is. But if I’m lucky I should have a semi quality point and shoot camera from the 80’s to take to the streets and travel with.
My plan is to either ship the rolls off to thedarkroom to have them developed and scanned as they did a really good job with the 3 disposables, I recently sent them. Or using a local shop here in Tulsa It really just comes down to which place has the best scans. Long term I would like to at least get a basic development kit for Black and White film and try my hand at self-developing and scanning my own negatives. I mostly just want to keep a film camera with me in addition to my DSLR at all times as I kind of crave the challenge and mystery that shooting in flim gives.