It’s hard to believe that it’s almost 30 days into the 365-day challenge. I know that’s only a drop in the bucket but it’s kind of a milestone in of itself. I will be honest, when I started this project, I fully expected myself to give up by now.
However, I am making good progress on my weight loss and blood pressure. I have lost 8.5 lbs in the last week and my BP has been holding steady and staying within norms. So, this motivates me to keep going.
The sun was super bright today and the lighting was super harsh. I decided to give a filmic monochrome profile a try on the camera and shot in black and white this afternoon. This was actually more difficult to do as I love color and everything at the gathering place is so colorful. But I figured everyone has colorful pictures of the place why not try something different?
The reason I chose this picture as the featured picture for today is because these playground objects really remind me of the little slim creatures from a video game called Dragon Quest.