When I decided to make the plunge into photography and purchased my camera, I told myself I would commit to taking one photo a day for an entire year. I have made it 90 days and it has been such an awesome experience. However, it has also been a little more stressful than it should be. I still aim to take a photo every day and at this point I’ve developed some pretty good habits around the hobby. So why stop?
Well, I have a lot going on in my life at the moment. Work, Family, Holidays, etc. and combining this with the fact that I can sometimes be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my work. Simply taking a quick snapshot of whatever is nearby is not good enough in my mind. The pressure and anxiety of having to squeeze in a couple of hours every day on top of my busy schedule is a bit much to deal with.
So, what is the plan for the future? Well, I still intend to make a post to this blog every day and hopefully share an image that I have taken recently. I still intend to take my camera out every day and attempt to make photos. I, however, will not stress over the fact that I might not come home with a good photo or any at all some days.
I also found that I spend a lot of time in lightroom editing photos, or some days I might spend the day working with my printer and making prints. I feel that perhaps my time is better spent writing about those things as well as the photos.
I am also going to shift my focus a little more towards curating my Instagram feed as keeping a steady flow of content there is a lot of work as well. I’m very close to 500 followers which will be my first true milestone. I’ve been really pleased with the engagement I’ve received lately and the people I have met so far. It’s really nice to find like-minded souls all around the world who enjoy sharing their life through the lens.
So I guess the TLDR is that I’m shifting from focusing on one photo a day, to one post a day. 🙂
Here are some of the edited car photo’s from last weekend.